Category Tara Tulley Midwife

Ester Werbach is still practicing, and better birth recommends her

I am absolutely, completely disgusted with every midwife in Utah right now. I disclosed some gross negligence and sexual abuse by a midwife named Ester Werbach at Better Birth of Utah. She left Better Birth (or was fired, there is no way to know). I had assumed that since I had outed this woman for […]

Shame on you, Tara Tulley.

I already have a few posts up about Tara Tulley, but the information is scattered, so I thought I would make a final summarizing post. Tara Workman Tulley has decided that the screencaps of her own words are too embarrassing to leave online- they have been deleted, but I have a copy. When a midwife […]

The appeal has been filed

I’m pumped! It was easier than filing the initial suit. I brought christmas candy to the justice court to apologize for having yelled last time I was there (at Suzanne Smith and Tara Tulley, not the court staff, but I still made their job harder). Everyone was super excited! I think a few people broke […]

Better Birth’s shameful response to abuse has been widely publicized

They have landed themselves on the skeptical OB. There are more horror stories about better birth in the comments. They just keep rolling in. I’ve submitted professional complaints against Tara Tulley LCSW (for failing to disclose conflicts of interest to a judge), and Suzanne Smith DEM for disclosing (false) health information about former patients. I […]

Screencap of Suzanne Smith and Tara Tulley on a political committee in response to Valerie El Halta’s arrest

They claimed in court to have little affiliation…..

screencap of defense of killer midwife valerie el halta

This thread is deleted off of facebook now. I guess they realized how awful it makes midwives look. I’m sure they will keep all their support of negligent practices to private meetings after this, eh?

Better Birth gaslights with the best of them

Heres a clue: If you own a business and you need to make a page to address all the negative reviews you have online, you are doing it wrong.  Heres a choice quote: “. In the end, you will have to decide who has greater credibility with you, the happy clients and staff at BetterBirthLLC or […]

The brighter side of the trial

Suzanne Smith called detective huntington into court as a witness. She seemed to think that my going to the police would bode well for her somehow (????) but the judge said “wow that really is gross negligence” (which voids the contract) instead. I learned that detective huntington did ask a non-midwife about how appropriate the […]

Lost but not without hope

SO my lawsuit was today against Better Birth of Utah. The Judge was inclined to rule in my favor until Tara Tulley, a social worker (since 3 months ago…) came up and said her opinion was that there is no way that forced vaginal examination could cause post traumatic stress disorder in a patient. Yep. […]