Monthly Archives: December 2014

They aren’t sad. They are angry.

One of the most offensive things about the “bad review?” page on Better Birth’s website is the claim that they feel very sad about my situation. They claim to feel sad because they think I am crazy, not because anything bad happened to me, but that is beside the point. I am pretty certain they […]

there is a feature on wordpress…

It lets me look at the search terms that lead people to this website. Some of them are extremely disturbing to me. “My midwife rubbed my clit” and “can my doula rub my clitoris?” are terms that make me very uncomfortable. If you have landed here because you have experienced sexual abuse at the hands […]

A new report of inappropriate touching at Better Birth

I received an email awhile ago… I am sorry I neglected to check on the account here earlier, but here it is. Hi, I have a feeling Esther Werbach was at the birth of my child. I already had my midwife and her assistant there, but at the last minute they asked this other lady […]

another set back

Looks like I will be waiting weeks to hear if my lawsuit is going to be dismissed or not, as well as if my therapy notes are going to go to the birth center’s attorneys. I’m bringing the therapist with me so I don’t understand why they need to read through the notes (unless of […]

Better Birth is trying to dismiss my lawsuit

I’ll let you know if they are able to later on this month. On a related note, if you plan to file a lawsuit similar to mine it would be wise to have an attorney at least review your case before filing.