Category gaslighting

They aren’t sad. They are angry.

One of the most offensive things about the “bad review?” page on Better Birth’s website is the claim that they feel very sad about my situation. They claim to feel sad because they think I am crazy, not because anything bad happened to me, but that is beside the point. I am pretty certain they […]

another set back

Looks like I will be waiting weeks to hear if my lawsuit is going to be dismissed or not, as well as if my therapy notes are going to go to the birth center’s attorneys. I’m bringing the therapist with me so I don’t understand why they need to read through the notes (unless of […]

Building a foundation on truth

…that is the title of a recent post by a woman who started a blog called One Mom’s Battle. Her name is Tina Swithin. Her blog is about her divorce from a man with narcissistic personality disorder. The court system isn’t well suited for dealing with NPD individuals in the family court system (in her […]