Tag Archives: utah midwives

sexual perversion and midwifery

I was sexually assaulted at Better Birth during my labor. Later on another woman sent me a report of being sexually assaulted during her labor at Better Birth of Utah, indicating that she experienced the exact same thing that I had. I also got reports from my wordpress statistics website that indicated that midwives and […]

Nueve Lunas Maternity = Ester Werbach (UPDATE: now also calling herself Ester Rolaiser)

Ester Werbach touched me inappropriately during an exam, with held food if I did not submit to that exam, and ignored my pleas for her to stop an examination because it was unbelievably painful. Better Birth of Utah no longer employs her, but they do refer spanish speaking clients to her maternity service. Don’t let […]

these are the happy customers?

I decided to look at the stories better birth links to on its website as examples of happy, satisfied customers. I expected idyllic experiences that were undoubtedly within the scope of practice outlined in utah state code. The stories posted make such an assumption questionable. Some of these stories make me wonder why Better Birth linked […]

midwives college of utah dishonesty (AGAIN)

So, as many of you know, I attempted to report Better Birth of Utah to the Midwives College of Utah because I was concerned about the pattern of negligence that I discovered after being mistreated there. I found a string of women who had problems, doulas who wouldn’t rate the place nicely, ex students bad […]

Shame on you, Tara Tulley.

I already have a few posts up about Tara Tulley, but the information is scattered, so I thought I would make a final summarizing post. Tara Workman Tulley has decided that the screencaps of her own words are too embarrassing to leave online- they have been deleted, but I have a copy. When a midwife […]

better birth lies about the safety of out of hospital birth

I was poking around better birth’s website the other day, and I was perplexed to find this pdf on their website (titled “The Advantages of Out of Hospital Birth”, by Suzanne Smith LDEM). the very first claim is a whopper: Out-Of-Hospital Birth is Safer than Hospital Birth Yes, that’s right, safer. Scientific studies from around […]

The appeal has been filed

I’m pumped! It was easier than filing the initial suit. I brought christmas candy to the justice court to apologize for having yelled last time I was there (at Suzanne Smith and Tara Tulley, not the court staff, but I still made their job harder). Everyone was super excited! I think a few people broke […]

Screencap of Suzanne Smith and Tara Tulley on a political committee in response to Valerie El Halta’s arrest

They claimed in court to have little affiliation…..

The brighter side of the trial

Suzanne Smith called detective huntington into court as a witness. She seemed to think that my going to the police would bode well for her somehow (????) but the judge said “wow that really is gross negligence” (which voids the contract) instead. I learned that detective huntington did ask a non-midwife about how appropriate the […]

shame on you too, Midwives College of Utah

The cowards at MCU haven’t answered for why their grievance committee never addressed my actual complaints about the policies and management of Better Birth of utah. They just pretended this was about one midwife’s behavior and not about the owner of Better Birth admitting “hey, that’s just how we do things here” (to paraphrase) when […]